Cooler and cloudy. Wind blowing strong. A light sprinkle of Rain. Frank and men will work at Gip if it does not Rain out there. Every body is behind with harvest work, ground too wet to enter fields of grain. Mary is resting in her room. I have fresh Beans and Potatoes cooking for lunch. Scripture read Acts 4:8-13.
Frank just said that he may go to Gip after noon if it does not Rain anymore. At 9 A.M. Frank come to tell me Mrs. Cooper died. Mary took Dad and I to Clinton. We found out that Mrs. Cooper's body was at the Wheeler Funeral Home. We saw Thelma and her mother was about as usual, not much better. I spent the day with Al's folks at his father's home. Tom and his wife, Junie & Salome, Pete and Ethel, Vera Wiggins and Al. Loys and Mrs. Frieberg of Denver are coming as soon as they can get here with Dot Holland, a niece.
There has been heavy Rain all day making Road very bad between here and Taloga. Frank Cooper is to come from Amarillo, Texas. Charley Cooper had been here last week to see his mother, but is now in San Diego, Cal. and is sick and will not be here. He will be the only son not present at the funeral. Mary and I were up to 10:30 P.M. looking for Loys. Many neighbors were in and out at Cooper Residence offering their assistance and helping do little necessary tasks. I wrote out the Obituary for M. E. Minister to read at funeral.
It was serendipity
to have Mittie's Journal to read and share in 2008. The calendar days of 1941 are the same as 2008. Richard received the Journal from his mother, Fannie, and gave the Journal to his cousin Betty in spring 2008. This great-granddaughter first had it in hand in July 2008. For a few weeks it was transcribed to email for family. Mittie's Journal blog began October 12, the anniversary of the day Mittie and Rufus landed at Gip, Oklahoma 1892 in open prairie. Check out that Journal entry. It is a blessing to share this Journal with others. To stay in the matching year the remaining Journal days appear in the Journal Archive as they are posted. Thanks for stopping by. The 1936 journal and part of 1937 is also available for transcribing. Work in progress.