Very cold - ice freezing hard and a Heavy Fog that is frozen hangs over us excluding the Sunshine. My pains are worse this morning and haven't been able to put on dress but have an over Robe to cover me while sitting up. This is the last day of 1941. Year has been very Eventful! Much Sorrow over Our Boys being killed by the Japs in Honolulu. War was declared December 9 to fight Japs and Germany and their Allies. Premier Churchill of England with Other High Officials are planning Our Side of War. It is horrible to read accounts of Battles and Slaying of humanity. And money invested in War Planes and Ships with huge far reaching guns is extremely immense expense. Taxes getting higher and Prices so exorbitant. Much sickness and Epidemics will abound before we see End of War. Scripture reading Psalm 90.
Nora Flint come in to see me. I was glad to have her talk about Jack. She is a dear sweet girl and has a Big Influence for good over Jack. She brought me a lump of magnesium like the Wings of Airplanes are covered over with. Very pretty ornament to have and it is interesting to talk about.
Receved a nice sweet letter from Estelle Harper thanking me for getting a Birth Certificate for her and telling of her children growing and how they enjoyed their Christmas. Mary told me about them Invoicing the Store Stock beginning today.
Tonight the Weather is very cold with Icy Sleet covering the Road, making traveling over it very dangerous. Nora Flint wanted to start back to California tomorrow with Sister and Bro-in-law Dave Hansen but will have to wait until Weather moderates again.
The Last Day of 1941 has been filled with many pleasures for me even tho too sick to get outside my room. So I bid you Farewell old 1941 for in an hour it will be the New Year 1942. 1941 will be "Gone With the Wind" very shortly and numbered with the Past. Good Bye to the Old Year and All Hail the New Year! Wonder what it will bring to this World. We are Very Thankful dear God for Thy Great Love and Protection.
It was serendipity
to have Mittie's Journal to read and share in 2008. The calendar days of 1941 are the same as 2008. Richard received the Journal from his mother, Fannie, and gave the Journal to his cousin Betty in spring 2008. This great-granddaughter first had it in hand in July 2008. For a few weeks it was transcribed to email for family. Mittie's Journal blog began October 12, the anniversary of the day Mittie and Rufus landed at Gip, Oklahoma 1892 in open prairie. Check out that Journal entry. It is a blessing to share this Journal with others. To stay in the matching year the remaining Journal days appear in the Journal Archive as they are posted. Thanks for stopping by. The 1936 journal and part of 1937 is also available for transcribing. Work in progress.
December 30, 1941, Tuesday
Wind to the West and not so cold, more pleasant with Sunshine and calm breezes. Scripture reading Num. 14:1-10. Grace and little Billie Jean were here early. She is having a pit dug for butane tank at her new home. God Bless and Direct her aright and may She be a God fearing and God loving Mother to instruct her children to be good honest citizens. Mary hurried to town. There is so many things to attend to as the Year ends and the Gip farms are to be evacuated by our possessions. I had a bad day of suffering yesterday and last night, am now able to eat solid food as my throat is still very sore. The Gifts that Loys sent us are all so Very Nice and fine. Am so proud and thankful for them. Dorothy Reed wrote me a letter of Thanks for their Birth Certificates I had recorded. Mary took the laundry to Clinton and got fresh fruit and produce for the Store. I went along for the Ride as I've been in the house since Thursday night with my suffering. Thelma Marvin and friend had Mary to take them to Butler as Mrs. Brown, Thelma's mother is sick. The weather has moderated and is very pleasant and Sunny this afternoon. I felt some better. Another cold spell of Weather ahead of us according to Radio.
December 29, 1941, Monday
Cold South wind, Icy cold, cloudy. I'm still rather feeble. The cold change of weather affects me badly. Scripture reading Matthew 6:34, Psalm 91, Luke 12:32. I was made to rejoice when Frank come with a letter from Jack, as I've lain awake night after night praying to hear he was better and I could hear from him. Loys Christmas package was late because it was delayed at Post Office. It was well insured and had to be inspected as well as protected by Federal Gov. I sorrow so for Jack's misfortune in getting hurt and having Hospital bills to meet and will not be able to work for a month or more and all the time his expenses multiply. Loys sent me one of the prettiest Ornaments to wear on coat lapel I ever saw. It is an enameled Eagle with Ruby eye and is flying with Wings outstretched and looking above and around on the Alert to fight and Protect. Also a costly box of candied fruits, pretty too. I made hot biscuits for Dad and Frank at Noon. Mrs. Blakely not doing so well today.
December 28, 1941, Sunday
Weather is cold, Bright & Beautiful, calm and serene. Scripture reading I Peter 5th chapter, Luke 12:22-34. There is so much Sorrow, Wickedness and Suffering and the Horrors of War in many Countries. It causes Waves of Sorrowing Grief to sweep over me and my eyes fill with tears for the Anguish of Body and Souls Others are Bearing because of War and it's horrible sufferings. God hasten the Day when there will be No More War. God Bless Our President and All of Our Official Statesmen and Ambassadors of Peace.
The girls took Dad to Church after that Mary and Josephine will go on toward Okema either in our Car or the Bus. I can get a Great Comfort by reading the Bible and being alone to Commune with my Heavenly Father.
Girls left at 11 A.M. to go by Essa Simmons. I sent E. a nice card of Thanks and Happy New Year Wishes. I managed to wash that large stack of dishes that had collected. Mary returned home at 7 P.M. The girls met Essa and Sewall before they reached their house. They were going to Red Cross meeting at Yukon and the girls went on to El Reno for Josephine to take Bus to Okema. Dad called on the sick, Mrs. Blakely and Mr. Casey.
The girls took Dad to Church after that Mary and Josephine will go on toward Okema either in our Car or the Bus. I can get a Great Comfort by reading the Bible and being alone to Commune with my Heavenly Father.
Girls left at 11 A.M. to go by Essa Simmons. I sent E. a nice card of Thanks and Happy New Year Wishes. I managed to wash that large stack of dishes that had collected. Mary returned home at 7 P.M. The girls met Essa and Sewall before they reached their house. They were going to Red Cross meeting at Yukon and the girls went on to El Reno for Josephine to take Bus to Okema. Dad called on the sick, Mrs. Blakely and Mr. Casey.
December 27, 1941, Saturday
Partly cloudy and Icy cold frosted Window panes. I'm still feeling sick, but will get up and stir around, not too much for my strength. The girls arose and took Dad to town, then lay down until Noon while I tidied up the kitchen and my room. Scripture reading Phil. 4:1-13. Girls have gone to Clinton. I will spend the time in my room by the fire. Am still weak to go anywhere. Girls brought more Cards. Josephine made a batch of fried pies to last several days. Mary and Jo got many delicious eatables, among them Jello salad and whipped cream. They spent the evening at Clinton
December 26, 1941, Friday
Bright Sunny morning, calm & icy cold. Mary and Josephine are cleaning the rooms and will go to the Store to help Dad. The house looked like a cyclone had passed through it, but the girls with broom, mop and duster made quick work of cleaning everything spick & span. Scripture reading Isaiah 9 & 48 chapters, Eph. 6:12.
Had a bad siege of heart weakness and neuralgia that lasted for hours. These spells unnerve me for days after. While I am alone and everything quiet will be a good time to meditate, read, paste cards in lovely scrap book Mildred sent and work the large puzzle that Richard gave me and if there is time it will be used in looking over Card and Letters from my children. The Quietude is good for my nerves, hope it will continue during the day.
Josephine gathered me Glass dish of Violets from the yard and came bringing them as a morning offering. Violets are so sweet, modest and pretty in their simplicity. I was too sick to go anywhere with the girls but sat near the fire in my room.
Frank is at Clinton until first of week. The girls cooked Dad a nice warm Supper then made a batch of Candy, played games of Cards and then retired at reasonable hour. I read newspaper, cut out clippings until 11:30 P.M. then retired but could not get sleepy.
Had a bad siege of heart weakness and neuralgia that lasted for hours. These spells unnerve me for days after. While I am alone and everything quiet will be a good time to meditate, read, paste cards in lovely scrap book Mildred sent and work the large puzzle that Richard gave me and if there is time it will be used in looking over Card and Letters from my children. The Quietude is good for my nerves, hope it will continue during the day.
Josephine gathered me Glass dish of Violets from the yard and came bringing them as a morning offering. Violets are so sweet, modest and pretty in their simplicity. I was too sick to go anywhere with the girls but sat near the fire in my room.
Frank is at Clinton until first of week. The girls cooked Dad a nice warm Supper then made a batch of Candy, played games of Cards and then retired at reasonable hour. I read newspaper, cut out clippings until 11:30 P.M. then retired but could not get sleepy.
December 25, 1941, Christmas Day
Bright sunshine but strong south wind is a little disagreeable for me to get around in. Fanny come at 10:30 A.M. and is helping Josephine and Mary cook Turkey dinner with all the trimmings. The Gas stoves are burning in all the downstairs rooms making a Cheerful glow with their warm rays. Dad, Frank, Dick and Richard are down town waiting to be called for Dinner. I am sick but have a joyous Spirit to greet others even if I am not able to do any manual labor. Fanny brought a load of gifts and lots of her home produced and canned vegetables, a quart of strawberry preserves and for me a lovely bottle of perfume. Grace is here with the children. She is helping the girls with dinner. A beautiful card from Essa saying she wished me to be well again and that Sewell was safe. She was happy that he is at Honolulu. Mildred's card was joyously written about her Christmas blessings. A card from Guy Pafford with a lovely costly lace handkerchief. Cecil and Lena come with a armload of gifts and supply of canned and cooked foods for dinner, money gift for Mary and a nice handbag for me. I'm like Mildred rejoicing receipt of tokens of love and friendship. The girls all spent the evening at Clinton after they brought the children and I home from a good matinee. The girls of Grace's stayed here all night. Richard and the girls played games until they were tired and sleepy and then I sent them upstairs to bed. Fanny called for Richard as they returned from Clinton at midnight. The night was freezing cold but beautiful. The stars sang in their glorified beauty of a Heavenly Creator and Giver of All Good Things. I retired after Mary and Josephine returned after midnight. Thus Christmas Day ended at the Cobb ranch 1941.
December 24, 1941, Wednesday
Christmas Eve! Bright and windy. I went to bed feeling so sick, was up many times during the night. Mary got alarmed over hearing me up so often and came downstairs to see if she could be of any assistance. A siege of indigestion and heart weakness come over me and no sleep I got until about 6 A.M. and slept until 8 and then arose and went to work addressing cards to mail. Mary and Jo did the kitchen work and hurried to the Store so Frank could take Dad out to Gip to see if feeding of stock and work was well done. Scripture reading Luke 1:26-35.
Every thing in my room looks so pretty and cheerful with bright red Poinsettias, green Ferns and trailing vines and Begonias in bloom. The girls and I went to Clinton to get more Cards and gifts. I bought things for the house. They got presents for each other and me.
Every thing in my room looks so pretty and cheerful with bright red Poinsettias, green Ferns and trailing vines and Begonias in bloom. The girls and I went to Clinton to get more Cards and gifts. I bought things for the house. They got presents for each other and me.
December 23, 1941, Tuesday
Weather colder and partly cloudy. I can't go to town, am not able to was sick all night, but will address Cards for Mary to mail out. Working hours are short, but are rushed and crammed with duties that we must not neglect. Scripture reading Matthew 5 & 6 chapters. Received a package from George and Lela with Gifts for Dad, Frank, Mary and I. Each mail brings more cards from friends and relatives. Josephine came today and Lena came by from Clinton. She had taken Cecil to see the Doctor. Cecil was in run down condition and had a cold but will be all right in a few days if he takes care of himself. Dad and I have given each of our children 25 dollars for Christmas, also their married companions. Mary got an 18 pound turkey for our Christmas dinner Thursday. A nice tender one that will cook in a few hours. Mary was so tired she and Josephine retired early.
December 22, 1941, Monday
Rained lightly last night and early morning. Wind is a little brisk but not cold yet. Mary and Dad went to Clinton for Groceries and Extras. I had one of my bad spells of suffering with Blood Pressure and couldn't get about for several minutes. Neuralgia pains passed all over me and a heavy coat of perspiration covered face and body. No one was about me at the time and I was glad they never witnessed it for I don't wish their Christmas Cheer to be broken. We saw Essa and Walter Blakely. Scripture reading Romans 13 chapter.
I was disappointed when Jack couldn't come for Christmas. Two large boxes from Mildred arrived filled with Gifts for All of Us. A hand made Scrap Book with beaten brass panel of deer and covers of Red Sequoia wood, also hand made basket of Raffia Reed of California, a Pin for Coat of beaten brass, two fruit cakes, all for me, made by Mildred, my baby girl. To all the others were gifts from her, also a box of oranges and lemons from her Acreage Rancho. Mary received many gifts and cards thru the mail. Dad, Mary and I went to Clinton for Christmas candies also lettuce and celery for Trade. We bought more Cards after running out a time or two and still we find more messages unanswered when we return home. Richard gave me a large picture puzzle. Bless his heart! One of the first things he can remember was he and I putting puzzles together in his baby days when I was sick. I must address more Cards for it seems we can never catch up with what have come to us.
I was disappointed when Jack couldn't come for Christmas. Two large boxes from Mildred arrived filled with Gifts for All of Us. A hand made Scrap Book with beaten brass panel of deer and covers of Red Sequoia wood, also hand made basket of Raffia Reed of California, a Pin for Coat of beaten brass, two fruit cakes, all for me, made by Mildred, my baby girl. To all the others were gifts from her, also a box of oranges and lemons from her Acreage Rancho. Mary received many gifts and cards thru the mail. Dad, Mary and I went to Clinton for Christmas candies also lettuce and celery for Trade. We bought more Cards after running out a time or two and still we find more messages unanswered when we return home. Richard gave me a large picture puzzle. Bless his heart! One of the first things he can remember was he and I putting puzzles together in his baby days when I was sick. I must address more Cards for it seems we can never catch up with what have come to us.
December 21, 1941, Sunday
Cloudy and windy, we may get some bad weather soon after these lovely days. Scripture reading Isaiah 40:1-41. Dad and Frank went to load Trucks with cattle for tomorrow's Market. Hope they bring a good price and all goes well with everybody. Keeps me busy writing and addressing Christmas cards. Cecil and Lena were here for an hour.
We went to Clinton after that. I saw matinee, Sundown, very good picture. When we returned to Arapaho, Dad, Mary and I visited the sick. Mrs. Blakely was able to sit up in chair and was glad to have us, she is speechless but shows her thoughts by expression and actions. All of her children have visited her this week. Mr. Casey is able to sit up but too feeble to be out of his room. He is cheerful and wants to talk all the time. They have a good nurse for him. The Flints arrived from California yesterday. They didn't go by where Jack is so he never had a chance to come with them.
We went to Clinton after that. I saw matinee, Sundown, very good picture. When we returned to Arapaho, Dad, Mary and I visited the sick. Mrs. Blakely was able to sit up in chair and was glad to have us, she is speechless but shows her thoughts by expression and actions. All of her children have visited her this week. Mr. Casey is able to sit up but too feeble to be out of his room. He is cheerful and wants to talk all the time. They have a good nurse for him. The Flints arrived from California yesterday. They didn't go by where Jack is so he never had a chance to come with them.
December 20, 1941, Saturday
Another beautiful morning. Sun rose over a White frosted Earth and everything sparkling like diamonds. Mary finished work very early and is at the Store helping Dad. Frank is in the Pastures riding, seeing the doggies are all right. Scripture reading Psalm 42.
Afternoon Dad and Frank were at Gip to round-up cattle to take to Oklahoma City Market. Hope they bring top price. I went down to Library. Met several old-time friends. When I was at the Store John and Thursa Hanes, Alfred Stephens and Bro. Will come. Fanny, Dick and Richard there with Dad, Frank, Mary and I made a crowd of kinfolks together all talking, laughing at once glad to see each other and wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
I received a gift of Aluminum Fryer and Dutch Oven, very nice and hard to find since War began. Frank went to Clinton to spend the evening. The rest of us were too tired to go. John and Thursa had visited with Essa and family and John's Uncle John Hanes in Oklahoma City. Essa has not heard from Sewell since the War began. More Christmas cards in the mail.
Afternoon Dad and Frank were at Gip to round-up cattle to take to Oklahoma City Market. Hope they bring top price. I went down to Library. Met several old-time friends. When I was at the Store John and Thursa Hanes, Alfred Stephens and Bro. Will come. Fanny, Dick and Richard there with Dad, Frank, Mary and I made a crowd of kinfolks together all talking, laughing at once glad to see each other and wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
I received a gift of Aluminum Fryer and Dutch Oven, very nice and hard to find since War began. Frank went to Clinton to spend the evening. The rest of us were too tired to go. John and Thursa had visited with Essa and family and John's Uncle John Hanes in Oklahoma City. Essa has not heard from Sewell since the War began. More Christmas cards in the mail.
December 19, 1941, Friday
A Lovely bright pleasant day begun with Sun rising in it's Splendor, not very cold and breezes mild. Scripture reading John 15:1-11, Matt. 7:20.
Have a multitude of little tasks a pleasure to do today preparing for Christmas week, also a couple of hundred Christmas Greeting cards to address and mail this week. Mary and I had the Car washed and greased while I waited at Rialto to see Gene Autrey's picture Down Mexico Way. Streets were jammed. Mary gave me such a beautiful Poinsettia in Decorated Pot. I am so proud to have such One. Wrote Lela a letter and sent the Birth Certificate of her children. Received a letter of appreciation from Mildred and full of news. More Christmas cards coming all the time. Drove out to Tucker's and presented a Gift to Mrs. Tucker for her Bathroom. She was very much pleased with it. Have begun to mail our Christmas Cards to Customers and receive lots each mail time from friends. Dad gave me 5 dollars to get Gifts. Mary also gave me a lovely Box of Cosmetics and Perfume.
Have a multitude of little tasks a pleasure to do today preparing for Christmas week, also a couple of hundred Christmas Greeting cards to address and mail this week. Mary and I had the Car washed and greased while I waited at Rialto to see Gene Autrey's picture Down Mexico Way. Streets were jammed. Mary gave me such a beautiful Poinsettia in Decorated Pot. I am so proud to have such One. Wrote Lela a letter and sent the Birth Certificate of her children. Received a letter of appreciation from Mildred and full of news. More Christmas cards coming all the time. Drove out to Tucker's and presented a Gift to Mrs. Tucker for her Bathroom. She was very much pleased with it. Have begun to mail our Christmas Cards to Customers and receive lots each mail time from friends. Dad gave me 5 dollars to get Gifts. Mary also gave me a lovely Box of Cosmetics and Perfume.
December 18, 1941, Thursday
Sun shines brightly, but many hearts are saddened with Grief. Many hundred Oklahoma boys are killed and missing. Two years ago I sat by my darling Harvey and saw him breathe his last breath and leave his sufferings and pains. It was seeing him suffer for years, never could find a cure, witnessing each day how helpless we were to relieve him, was heartbreaking to me and memories of same will remain always with me. Scripture reading Mark 14:1-9
Frank is taking Dad to Gip this afternoon. The weather is beautiful and pleasant. I am suffering with my ears. Thursa and Lottie come about 2 P.M. bringing Christmas Gifts to Mary and I. Gifts were lovely. Mary and I returned the favor and gave them both presents of their own selecting. Fanny come and enjoyed the time spent with all of us. We don't often meet as the years fly by.
Mr. Hughes obligingly filled out Nan Elizabeth's Birth Certificate that will be last of this work to do when the Photographic Record is returned to me.
Frank is taking Dad to Gip this afternoon. The weather is beautiful and pleasant. I am suffering with my ears. Thursa and Lottie come about 2 P.M. bringing Christmas Gifts to Mary and I. Gifts were lovely. Mary and I returned the favor and gave them both presents of their own selecting. Fanny come and enjoyed the time spent with all of us. We don't often meet as the years fly by.
Mr. Hughes obligingly filled out Nan Elizabeth's Birth Certificate that will be last of this work to do when the Photographic Record is returned to me.
December 17, 1941, Wednesday
Sunshine! but a Hazy cast to it, cold but not freezing. Roads are drying nicely and Weather may be Beautiful for Christmas time. Scripture reading James 5, Acts 8:55-60.
Mary took me to Del Rio Matinee. Very good. I can't hear much with cotton stuffed in my ears but enjoy the pictures and quick action of Camera. My ears are still painful. Seeing other scenes help to pass the time with friends and exchange Greetings of the Season.
Mary took me to Del Rio Matinee. Very good. I can't hear much with cotton stuffed in my ears but enjoy the pictures and quick action of Camera. My ears are still painful. Seeing other scenes help to pass the time with friends and exchange Greetings of the Season.
December 16, 1941, Tuesday
Sun shone upon a White frosted Earth. Every blade of grass and weed was as pretty as a picture. The ground was frozen and then Ice over vessels of water outside. Scripture reading Gal. 6:9, Romans 12. Frank took Dad to Gip to see about crops and rounding up things for Sale next month. The cattle in 2 trucks will be sent to Oklahoma City Market today. Mary hurried thru with house work and is at Store for the day. I am thankful for the Sunshine.
Mrs. Blakely is sick and had Paralitic Stroke on Sunday. Albert Lacy has the Flu and Cloe runs the dairy. My Sinus suffering still holds on and neck and ear badly swelled - and oh how it hurts! I gathered the Blood Red Berries of Nandino and have them with Blue Juniper Berries in corner of my room. They are beautiful and cheery looking, reminding me of Christmas more than anything else except Poinsettia Plant in South window. All the plants are crisply Green, Ferns and bright red Begonias. All are so beautiful! Late in the day a Message came from California, saying Jack was hurt. Dad called at night and Jack answered. He expects to come home Xmas. His shoulder had been injured and he was too weak to be heard distinctly that long a distance. Oh what a Shock to get message, but a Relief to know he could talk over Phone and that he will come home soon. Weather is moderating and road drying out.
Mrs. Blakely is sick and had Paralitic Stroke on Sunday. Albert Lacy has the Flu and Cloe runs the dairy. My Sinus suffering still holds on and neck and ear badly swelled - and oh how it hurts! I gathered the Blood Red Berries of Nandino and have them with Blue Juniper Berries in corner of my room. They are beautiful and cheery looking, reminding me of Christmas more than anything else except Poinsettia Plant in South window. All the plants are crisply Green, Ferns and bright red Begonias. All are so beautiful! Late in the day a Message came from California, saying Jack was hurt. Dad called at night and Jack answered. He expects to come home Xmas. His shoulder had been injured and he was too weak to be heard distinctly that long a distance. Oh what a Shock to get message, but a Relief to know he could talk over Phone and that he will come home soon. Weather is moderating and road drying out.
December 15, 1941, Monday
Colder weather, think we will have freezing weather by night. Scripture read Phil. 2:21, Matt. 5:38-42 .
I can hardly realize Americans being involved in the War with other Nations, but when I read of the Horrors in the papers of War then Reality asserts itself and fighting on the Atlantic Ocean may soon take place as well as Air and on the Pacific Ocean. O Heavenly Father hasten the day when there will be no more War! Amen.
Frank and Dad went to Store early and may go to Gip farms to take men to gather crops if the weather clears and dries the ground. Mary and I are doing home work.
I can hardly realize Americans being involved in the War with other Nations, but when I read of the Horrors in the papers of War then Reality asserts itself and fighting on the Atlantic Ocean may soon take place as well as Air and on the Pacific Ocean. O Heavenly Father hasten the day when there will be no more War! Amen.
Frank and Dad went to Store early and may go to Gip farms to take men to gather crops if the weather clears and dries the ground. Mary and I are doing home work.
December 14, 1941, Sunday
Weather ... dripping Rain and Ground is water soaked and Slick muddy roads. The Skies are clearing up. We may have Sunshine before day ends. The weather has been cloudy, damp and cold since Wednesday. Mary and Frank spent last Evening at Clinton. She got some medicine for my Sinus trouble. Scripture read Gen. 26:12-18, Isaiah 55.
2 P.M. Mary took me to Matinee at Del Rio. Saw Ann Sheridan and other Stars play Navy Blues. We were back home at 5 o'clock. I didn't want to be away from my easy chair. Received a letter from Mildred saying she felt safe in her home outside of Coastal War Zone at Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Shankland received $100 compensation for Car wreck injuries and cost of Doctor Bills.
2 P.M. Mary took me to Matinee at Del Rio. Saw Ann Sheridan and other Stars play Navy Blues. We were back home at 5 o'clock. I didn't want to be away from my easy chair. Received a letter from Mildred saying she felt safe in her home outside of Coastal War Zone at Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Shankland received $100 compensation for Car wreck injuries and cost of Doctor Bills.
December 13, 1941, Saturday
Weather is dark and gloomy, damp coldness penetrates house and clothes. Dark enough so it takes a Gas light to read by. Mary and I spent morning gathering up clothing for Salvation Army folks. Scripture reading Isaiah 41:10, Rev. 1:17-18.
A fire burned all the inside of the Wells residence last night about 10:00 P.M. The firemen with their truck came from Clinton to help put it out. The Walker family was gone for a visit to Tennessee. It happens the house was insured by Mrs. Wells before her death and the Walkers have insurance on furniture. Fire was in a bad place as there are Garages and Residences close by and could have burned all that part of town.
A fire burned all the inside of the Wells residence last night about 10:00 P.M. The firemen with their truck came from Clinton to help put it out. The Walker family was gone for a visit to Tennessee. It happens the house was insured by Mrs. Wells before her death and the Walkers have insurance on furniture. Fire was in a bad place as there are Garages and Residences close by and could have burned all that part of town.
December 12, 1941, Friday
Rain slowly falling. It has been all night and this morning. Roads very bad. No traffic only what has to pass to work. Maybe the clouds will empty out or go away today. Scripture reading ____ 8:1-6. Mary is spending the morning at home cleaning the rooms.
Brazil and Cuba entered War on the American side today. 250 Jap planes were shot down by our Boys.
No school today. Roads too bad for travel. Our Car slipped and slid over the sloshy Road and 33 attempts were made before it could be guided through the Gateway to the Garage.
War talk all the time on the Radio and Papers are filled with War news.
Brazil and Cuba entered War on the American side today. 250 Jap planes were shot down by our Boys.
No school today. Roads too bad for travel. Our Car slipped and slid over the sloshy Road and 33 attempts were made before it could be guided through the Gateway to the Garage.
War talk all the time on the Radio and Papers are filled with War news.
December 11, 1941, Thursday
A light blanket of Snow covers the ground. Scripture reading Psalm 40. Very little traffic passing over the icy slick road. Cloudy with a frozen Atmosphere that no Rays of Sun can enter. It is reall Winterish weather, but Autumn has not ended yet. Several weeks before Winter begins. Rather a very pretty picture is presented thru my windows. Am so glad my letter writing for children is finished and Gifts sent them for Christmas. Have a rising in my ear and Rheumatism is painful in my joints.
War! Germany and Italy declared War on United States today. This must be the Last War to take place as most of large Nations are becoming involved in War-fare. War reports of Dead and Wounded, thousands.
A heavy mist of Rain is melting the Snow fast at 5 P.M. making Roads boggy. My folks are tired over activities of the day at the Store and driving home through the mud after dark. My head aches because of the Rising in my ear, it hurts day and night making Restless sleep.
War! Germany and Italy declared War on United States today. This must be the Last War to take place as most of large Nations are becoming involved in War-fare. War reports of Dead and Wounded, thousands.
A heavy mist of Rain is melting the Snow fast at 5 P.M. making Roads boggy. My folks are tired over activities of the day at the Store and driving home through the mud after dark. My head aches because of the Rising in my ear, it hurts day and night making Restless sleep.
December 10, 1941, Wednesday
Cold wind comes from North east chilling to the Bone, piercing through heavy wraps. Sun has a pale cast. Dad, Frank and Mary have gone to the Store. I have more writing to do today and will be busy until 11 A.M. when Mary will come for me to go eat dinner with the Club at City Hall. We are Lena's guests for the day. Scripture reading Matthew 14:14-32.
The farmers will have an all day meeting also. Mary just returned saying that the Festival was called off as War is taking up every one's time in talk and work. Dick and Fanny ate dinner with us. Dad and I are giving Gifts to our children of money or it's equivalent. To Fanny we gave a young heifer soon to be with calf worth about 75 dollars or more. To George and Lela 50 dollars, Mildred and Ralph 50 dollars, Loys, Jack, Cecil & Lena was 25 dollars each. Wrote to George and Lela that finishes my Xmas letter writing for several weeks. Can give more time to other duties. Much colder wind blows up at dark.
The farmers will have an all day meeting also. Mary just returned saying that the Festival was called off as War is taking up every one's time in talk and work. Dick and Fanny ate dinner with us. Dad and I are giving Gifts to our children of money or it's equivalent. To Fanny we gave a young heifer soon to be with calf worth about 75 dollars or more. To George and Lela 50 dollars, Mildred and Ralph 50 dollars, Loys, Jack, Cecil & Lena was 25 dollars each. Wrote to George and Lela that finishes my Xmas letter writing for several weeks. Can give more time to other duties. Much colder wind blows up at dark.
December 9, 1941, Tuesday
Cold wind, Sun has a sickly pale glow this morning. Daylight about 7 A.M. and lasts until about 6 P.M. and getting a bit shorter each day. That makes a person have to hustle and rustle to get their daily tasks completed. Scripture reading Luke 22:31-32, Psalm 23. Lottie and Thursa spent afternoon with me. Thursa and John drove into Oklahoma last Wednesday. Today was Jim and Lottie's Wedding Anniversary. They were married in our Gip home 45 years ago. George Stephens was married November 9 to Ruth Porter Driskill, a widow 29 years old with a small daughter. Lottie, Jim, John and Thursa are going to Oklahoma City to spend day with Guy Pafford and John Hanes, an uncle. They will stay at night with Essa Simmons. Thursa saw Loys as she came through Denver. I wrote Jack a letter today and Loys also.
December 8, 1941, Monday
Cold and clear but no Ice nor high wind. Frank took Dad to Gip to see about cattle and crops. They may go to Cecil's to see if C will ship this week. Scripture reading Psalm 43. I have letters to write to all the children away from home.
The Streets and Stores at Clinton were decorated with U.S. Flags. Radios are taken over by War News. I wrote to Mildred. Also filled out Blanks for George's children's Birth Certificates. It will be a long wait again before hearing from the Health Office at Oklahoma City.
The Streets and Stores at Clinton were decorated with U.S. Flags. Radios are taken over by War News. I wrote to Mildred. Also filled out Blanks for George's children's Birth Certificates. It will be a long wait again before hearing from the Health Office at Oklahoma City.
December 7, 1941, Sunday

Another lovely morning, calm and sunny, cold but above freezing. Scripture reading John 8:21-25. Dad wants to go out to Cecil's. We couldn't go until it was way too late and decided to wait until morning. Dad and Cecil will both sell cattle before Christmas.
Japan has declared War against the U.S. The Radios were ringing with the News all afternoon and night.
Frank will take over the 75 head of cattle and places here. He and Mary will take over the Store business. Dad will buy and sell cattle as long as he is able to do so.
December 6, 1941, Saturday
Another beautiful, pleasant Autumn morning. Not very cold and calm wind. Frank and I have a porker to cut into sausage and the Lard to render out. Scripture reading John 5:1-9. The work was finished by 3 P.M. Mary and I took Frank to Clinton at night and were back by 8:30 P.M. Both of us exhausted from week's activities. After bath I retired but could not sleep much.
December 5, 1941, Friday
Nice sunny morning, some cooler but not freezing yet, calm and pleasant for late Autumn. I finished transplanting Mums for awhile, there are 5 or 6 dozen in borders, will be more to reset soon. I take the beautiful pleasant hours for such work and rest often as my strength indeed is small. Scripture reading Matt. 27:33-50. Mary and Frank have to stay at Store and take Dad to Gip. It will probably be six weeks before crops are all gathered and cattle all fed and sold. Grace is gradually moving household stuff.
Mary and I went to Clinton and returned at 8:30pm. She had 3 girl friends with her to spend the evening with the Standley family at Butler. Beautiful weather and the moonlight is lovely. Have been writing letters.
Mary and I went to Clinton and returned at 8:30pm. She had 3 girl friends with her to spend the evening with the Standley family at Butler. Beautiful weather and the moonlight is lovely. Have been writing letters.
December 4, 1941, Thursday
Nice morning, wind is a little swift and it is partly cloudy, not very cold. Mary had to go to Store to see a Drummer about buying Dry Goods. I had all the housework to do, also the dishes. Scripture reading Luke 11:1-10. Have a lot of Mums to transplant about 35 or 45 and Primroses. Received a long letter from Mildred. She is ever faithful in letter writing. She wants Loys and Mary to come out there, but Mary has to have her dental work done soon. New Medicine was brought up for me to take a Tonic and Throat wash. Mary spent evening with Mabel Teel.
December 3, 1941, Wednesday
A beautiful Sunny day, wind from the South, a little swift but not cold. I am putting out plants that were given to me yesterday and placing shelf at S.W. window in my room for potted plants and will get a few more to brighten up for Winter days and Christmas time. Scripture reading Isa. 61:1, Jer. 36:1-7.
Mary had an appointment at Dentist office in Afternoon so I went with her and spent the time with Mrs. Tucker and got some Lilies potted and they gave me more plants of Vincas and Coleus. At night Mary visited with Thelma Marvin and I was at Del Rio to see a good comedy.
Mary had an appointment at Dentist office in Afternoon so I went with her and spent the time with Mrs. Tucker and got some Lilies potted and they gave me more plants of Vincas and Coleus. At night Mary visited with Thelma Marvin and I was at Del Rio to see a good comedy.
December 2, 1941, Tuesday
Bright sunny morning, the first one for some time, pleasant and calm. Scripture reading John 8:25-32. Bobby was very glad to get back and the cattle sold well, bringing a good price. Grace and her Mother came by on their way to Laundry. Afternoon I walked over to see how Mr. Casey was getting along. He is much weaker now than 2 weeks ago. Another daughter is here from Florida, the one from Tulsa went home, but they have a lot of company coming and going. From Casey's I went with Mrs. Flint to see Mrs. Myers. She gave me some lovely Mums to plant. I sat and rested at Mrs. Flint's and Mrs. Deason's. She is not feeling well and shows it. I was very tired and had to rest a long time before going on to Store. She gave me a lot of plants. Am too weak to walk far any more so never attempt a Long walk without resting along the way. Mary had gone to Clinton to the Dentist. She and Dad were late coming back. It was after dark when we got home.
December 1, 1941, Monday
Cloudy and not cold. It is gloomy like Rain in the distance and has been all morning and up till middle of Fore-noon. I have had a lot of work as Mary is away and the household tasks fall to me. And, I set out Rose bushes, plants, shrubs, and Arborvitae that were expressed to me, also Dozens of Mums and Spirea. Am exhausted but enjoyed the work. Scripture reading Romans 8:28, Phil. 1:12-20.
Frank took a man to Gip to work there. It will be six more weeks before cattle are all sold after being fed. Mary returned about 4 P.M. A magazine subscription-taker came by for help, and I am about half-mad because I subscribed for paper.
Received a letter from Lela asking for Birth Certificates for her children, but she hasn't sent answers to my questions. Loys writes she wants to go to California to see Mildred and wants Mary to make the drive with her and her children. Bobby spent the night here after he returned from the Oklahoma City market where the cattle was taken to be sold.
Frank took a man to Gip to work there. It will be six more weeks before cattle are all sold after being fed. Mary returned about 4 P.M. A magazine subscription-taker came by for help, and I am about half-mad because I subscribed for paper.
Received a letter from Lela asking for Birth Certificates for her children, but she hasn't sent answers to my questions. Loys writes she wants to go to California to see Mildred and wants Mary to make the drive with her and her children. Bobby spent the night here after he returned from the Oklahoma City market where the cattle was taken to be sold.
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