Cold Northwest wind blowing very strong. Sun shines brightly. The Air isn't so full of Dust as yesterday was. I'm so very weak it seems that my heart is too lazy to beat as it should. Mary had a time getting the sand out of the rooms. My head and lungs are filled with dust. It makes them ache. Mary and Frank did the usual tasks. Today is almost as disagreeable as yesterday. Only dust does not blow so much. The Wind is hard to endure. Scripture reading I John 2:1-17
Frank and I lunched alone for the first time since Saturday night. Sun shine is warm on South side, but wind on the North side chills me to the bone when the door is opened. I read and crochet to pass the hours off, as time seems to drag, then again my eyes tire and are rested by laying head against back of my easy chair. Have less energy than usual for some reason today. The flowers in the Windows are enjoying the warm sun rays through the panes of glass. The Azalea that Mary gave me has hundreds of orchid colored blossoms covering the foliage. It is such a very pretty plant. It has my Valentines surrounding the Vase. At night Mary went to Clinton visiting with Ruth Reed. It will be down to freezing tonight.
It was serendipity
to have Mittie's Journal to read and share in 2008. The calendar days of 1941 are the same as 2008. Richard received the Journal from his mother, Fannie, and gave the Journal to his cousin Betty in spring 2008. This great-granddaughter first had it in hand in July 2008. For a few weeks it was transcribed to email for family. Mittie's Journal blog began October 12, the anniversary of the day Mittie and Rufus landed at Gip, Oklahoma 1892 in open prairie. Check out that Journal entry. It is a blessing to share this Journal with others. To stay in the matching year the remaining Journal days appear in the Journal Archive as they are posted. Thanks for stopping by. The 1936 journal and part of 1937 is also available for transcribing. Work in progress.